Genre: "Horror"/Samurai/Action/Fantasy
Directed by Yojiro Takita
Written by Sei Kawaguchi, Masashi Todayama & Kazuki Nakashima
Japanese with English subs
(Watch the Trailer Here)
The Deal...
Izumo, revered leading man of a small medieval Japanese theatre has a secret: he was once a Demon Warden- a warrior with the charge of ridding medieval Edo of its on-going demon infestation. Now enjoying a largely event-less existence, Izumo believes his demon-hunting days are long over, but his life is turned upside-down when he encounters a mysterious girl named Tsubaki with an eye-shaped scar on her back that seems to be growing in size with each encounter. As Izumo pursues Tsubaki for her love and companionship, Jaku, Demon Warden and Izumo's ex-colleague, along with the demon priestess Bizan are pursuing her for a much different reasons: they believe that she is the key to awakening the long-sleeping demon emperor Ashura - for it is in Edo, the bridge between the world of the living and the damned, that Ashura is prophesied to finally appear.
Directed by Yojiro Takita
Written by Sei Kawaguchi, Masashi Todayama & Kazuki Nakashima
Japanese with English subs
(Watch the Trailer Here)
The Deal...
Izumo, revered leading man of a small medieval Japanese theatre has a secret: he was once a Demon Warden- a warrior with the charge of ridding medieval Edo of its on-going demon infestation. Now enjoying a largely event-less existence, Izumo believes his demon-hunting days are long over, but his life is turned upside-down when he encounters a mysterious girl named Tsubaki with an eye-shaped scar on her back that seems to be growing in size with each encounter. As Izumo pursues Tsubaki for her love and companionship, Jaku, Demon Warden and Izumo's ex-colleague, along with the demon priestess Bizan are pursuing her for a much different reasons: they believe that she is the key to awakening the long-sleeping demon emperor Ashura - for it is in Edo, the bridge between the world of the living and the damned, that Ashura is prophesied to finally appear.