
Dragonball Evolution (2009)

Genre: Action/Fantasy
Directed by James Wong
Written by Ben Ramsey


(Watch the Trailer Here)

The Deal...
The young warrior Son Goku sets out on a quest, racing against time and the venegeful King Piccolo, to collect a set of seven magical orbs that will grant their wielder one perfect wish. (IMDB)

Did Wrongs:
1. The Acting: it is nothing short of pathetic. I can understand that the dialogue was absolutely horrible in this movie, but the actors could've at least tried! The "performances" in this film were about amazing as the sound of a toilet flushing. Maybe the dialogue was already a rotting carcass, but these "actors" didn't help. The best/worse example of this would be the character 'Yamcha,' played by Joon Park... -_-

2. The Dialogue: like I said before, it was terrible. You'd find more exciting things scratched into the walls of a public washroom. This film possibly has some of the worst dialogue I have ever heard. To call this an abomination would be a gross understatement. It is extremely unrealistic, and sometimes completely random. The characters' reactions make you cringe... honestly, every time someone opens their mouth in this movie, it's like nails on a chalkboard.

3. The Plot: if you haven't watched the show, you'll have no idea what the is going on in this garbage... and if you have watched the show... you'll still have no idea what's going on! I don't know much about the television shows 'Dragonball,' or 'Dragonball Z' (apart from having played the video games) but this... this... seriously?? A few minutes into the movie, the main character Goku meets the female lead, Bulma. After a stupid little scuffle, they decide to pair up and work together on Goku's quest. Yeah. They just pair up! I swear, there is probably about four sentences shared by the two characters between the time of their fight and the time that they decide to leave together- it's not even as if they are friends, they just buddy up and go in search of the "dragon balls..." This same randomness also happens with the romance between Goku and "Chi-Chi" (which is the worst, cheesiest, stupidest romance that I have ever seen in any movie!) In Dagonball Evolution, there is no character development whatsoever, and the plot is also linear as hell! They don't even explain any of the characters: they just show up! Another thing that bugs me about this film... where the hell is KRILLIN (one of the most well-known male characters in the Dragonball franchise)?! You'd expect such a popular character to be in a film with a story that [loosely] follows the events of the original Dragonball series... hm... on second though, never mind...

Lastly, they didn't even make an effort with the customes in Dragonball Evolution. It's almost as if they actually said, "You know, this movie is already an atrocity; nobody will pay attention to what the characters look like..." This is a freaking facepalm!! What the hell?! Chow Yun-Fat who plays Master Roshi doesn't even have a beard or glasses on! Come on! No glasses?! You couldn't just go steal some from a 3D movie?! ...not to mention, the special effects, the SUCK!

This film is garbage! If you don't like movies with nauseau-inducing acting and dialogue, terrible CGI, or a plot that makes you want to take a revolver and shove it down your throat, then do not watch this!!

Did Rights:
Well... Piccolo's costume was alright... I guess.

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